K Plus Companyは、ただのファッションブランドではありません。私たちのデザインには、NLP(神経言語プログラミング)に根ざした「K+」という特別なコンセプトが宿っています。この「K+」とは、物事をポジティブにとらえるためのストラテジーです。「K+」で終わらせる──それは、あなたが選ぶ服やスタイルに、プラスの感覚をもたらすことを意味しています。


K Plus Companyのアイテムは、あなたにとっての「K+」であるように。新しい一日を「プラスの感覚」で迎え、着るたびに心が前向きになるようなファッションを、世界中に届けていきます。

K Plus Company is more than just a fashion brand. Our designs embody a unique concept rooted in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming): the “K+” strategy. This “K+” approach is a way of embracing positivity—a reminder to finish every experience with a plus, a positive perspective. When you choose K Plus Company, you’re choosing more than style; you’re embracing an attitude of positivity.

Founded by Tomi and a community of friends who studied NLP together, K Plus Company was born out of a shared vision: to bring NLP’s empowering strategies into everyday life, helping everyone approach their daily lives with a positive outlook. Through the simple act of choosing what to wear, we want you to feel uplifted, inspired, and ready to take on new challenges.

K Plus Company pieces are designed to be your “K+.” Each item helps you welcome the day with a sense of positivity and possibility, delivering fashion that leaves you feeling more confident, forward-looking, and ready to take on the world.